Robert Figueras
Born in Vilabertran (Spain) in 1975, Robert Figueras is the founder of Filmutea, a new generation production company based in Barcelona, which among other things, manages an online community of over 46,000 Spanish filmmakers.
He began using his father's digital camera as a child, to film his sister's ballet recitals, and since then, he has always been interested in films. He likes action movies, as well as fantasy, war and horror films; specially those with tons of special effects, battles and fighting scenes.
In March/April 2013, he shot Panzer Chocolate, his debut movie; the first Spanish Transmedia feature film, a project that also includes a video game, a comic and mobile interactivity.
He lived in London from 2001 to 2007, where he graduated from the New York Film Academy in 2004, and where he worked extensively in over 50 productions, including documentaries, music videos, commercials and short films; in various crew positions: